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Asbestos Inspections
What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a mineral fiber used in various building materials for strength and durability. When these materials are damaged or disturbed, they become extremely hazardous
DEQ Facts
All residential buildings constructed before January 1, 2004, must have an asbestos survey conducted by an accredited inspector before any demolition or renovation activities.
Why is it Hazardous?
Small fibers are released into the air, and breathing them in increases the risk of lung disease and cancer. Direct contact with any amount should be avoided throughout a project - it shouldn't even go into a trashcan.
Owner Occupants
Owner-occupants who do their own renovation work inside their homes are exempt from this rule. An owner-occupant is a person who owns and lives in a single-unit, private residence.
Why do I have to test?
Many building materials, like ceiling panels, duct tape, vinyl flooring, and even glue, can contain asbestos, but many don't. The first step is to get a test to determine what is contaminated.
Oregon's waste handling and disposal requirements apply to all asbestos abatement projects, even if the homeowner chooses to remove the asbestos themselves. Open accumulation and storage of friable asbestos-containing waste material is prohibited.